
Rockstars Commercial
Insurance Solutions

Being a business owner in California can be challenging, let us go above and beyond to find the right fit for you and your business insurance needs.

About Us
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Rockstars Commercial Insurance Solutions is a local business insurance brokerage.

The vision for RCIS is to become largest commercial brokerage in Redding, focusing always on providing a concierge level of service to business owners looking to be valued by a commercial insurance agency to do the work and not take a lackadaisical approach. It’s your business, your livelihood. And your dream. Let us make sure it’s properly protected with business insurance while still protecting your bottom line.

The greatest value of a broker is that there isn’t a carrier that we cannot access. So even if you are happy with your current coverage and premiums, you can still choose to work with us if you’re not receiving the service you know you deserve. There are a lot of agents out there, but you get to choose who you work with when choosing your business insurance.

Naomi Brown and family - profile photo for Rockstars Commercial Insurance Solutions


Wife to an incredible husband, and Bonus Mom to four amazing daughters, and local Redding business owner. Naomi started in Insurance at 19 years old, and while most may find it strange, insurance actually became her passion.


After having the fundamental foundation of State Farm, she quickly realized that the only way to truly serve her clients with all of their insurance needs and keep those clients for years to come, was to become an independent broker. By building long term client relationships, being able to retain clients for years to come it’s what it’s all about.


Naomi then decided that becoming an independent broker was the best route for her. After working with a startup, co-founding a General Agency, it was time to build her business insurance agency: Rockstars Commercial Insurance Solutions.

Restaurant Insurance

Call or email us today for a comprehensive restaurant insurance quote even in this challenging market.


Business Insurance Coverage

Our job is to make business insurance as simple as possible so you can continue to grow your business knowing you’re covered.


Reliable, Professional, Experienced

RCIS has more than 10 years of industry experience, you will receive the rockstar treatment for business insurance.


Business Insurance

We do ALL things commercial. General liability, Business Owners Policies, Workers Comp, Professional Liability, Errors & Omissions, Commercial Auto, Cyber Liability and so much more. We also offer Life insurance & Personal Lines policies and coverage for our business owners so that all of your business insurance needs can be covered in one place.

Learn More

Commercial Insurance Contract


A CGL policy consists of three main coverage categories: premises liability, products liability and completed operations.


Workers compensation insurance provides benefits depending on the illness or injury sustained by an individual.


BOP is a Commercial insurance policy that provides coverage for property, general liability, and business interruption.


Your company is shielded from financial loss from attacks or breaches involving computer systems and data.


When staff members make mistakes while performing services, professional liability safeguards businesses.


Protect your business from claims resulting from the use of corporate vehicles or from harm to the insured vehicle.

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